More worlds added

More worlds added to the space..

I've added around 10 worlds just to test; it is working and I think it is starting to look 'cosy'. I've put the shadows back again after dabbing around with them for a whole day, but I found the best bias and frustum for it to look its best.

The game is growing but it takes a lot of time; It was possible to fight enemies that was just standing there, there are quite much to do before an Internet player will be able to join in but I'm getting there.

The function that I'm working on to be able to save the game will also be the function sending data between players over the Internet.

Here's a new animated gif of the game up to date.

In the game this far; you can select one or more entities/vehicles on a planet and the view will fly over there so that you can work with them more in a close up view.

See you next time!
