And here's the new problem

The rocks on the planet..

I've decided previously to merge the rocks with the planet's mesh because I think they belong to the planet's 3D model; from the very beginning when I made the original project in Blender it was only containing the planet and now I've added the rocks to it.

Before I'm exporting the model as one I need to join the meshes all to one by selecting them all and press CTRL + J. This makes Blender join all the separate meshes into one single object, and with one texture everything works just fine.

The thing is that I today wanted to add an snowy feeling to the top of the rocks which works nice in Blender, but when exporting it all as one DAE Collada model to use in Monogame I've had an error in the Pipeline tool when building it.

The nice ole error 'Missing texture for Channel 0' appeared and when importing the exported model into Blender, there was only one texture present. The stone texture was gone, what to do?

And here am I today looking for an solution to this error/problem.
I'll update you with further information about what I'll find.

Bye for now..
